On Sun, 18 Jan 2004, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:

> Chris Cannam interviews Mike Mack Smith.
> Q: It sounds a bit like Lilypond. Have you ever considered trying to
>    switch to a free-software alternative like that? Any idea what the
>    pros and cons might be?
> A: Well, we believe that Amadeus produces the best quality in the most
>    efficient way.  [..]  I haven't had a long look at Lilypond, but my
>    guess is that Amadeus is more advanced.
> Anybody wants to interview Han-Wen perchance, or send a patch for our
> website?  It seems that reviewing a software is not required for
> stating that it sucks ;-)

I'll read the interview and will either leave a comment or send in an
email to linuxmusician.com pointing out that the off-the-cuff remark
about LilyPond was really quite wrong.  Amadeus is in all likelihood a
capable package as Mack Smith's company uses it for their livelihood.
However, it's preposterous to dis another piece of software without
knowing anything about it.  FWIW, my wife and I could have chosen any
package we wanted to and chose LilyPond because of it's beautiful
engraving and its flexibility.  I've not seen output from any software
engraving package that has made me want to switch. 


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