To Whom It May Concern: :-)

I'm trying to set up a bar of music where an acciaccatura anticipates a chord tone and is tied to that chord tone. The example is below. If I use the \acciaccatura, the slur goes to the lowest chord tone, and I'd like it to go to the chord tone that is the same as the acciacctura. That is, since the acciaccatura is an f#, I'd like it to be tied to the f# in the chord.

I've thought of a few possible ways to do this, but I'm not sure about any of them.

- tie the acciaccatura to the chord, and set the engraver that handles the slur to null (or nil)
- replace the grace note stem engraver temporarily with the acciaccatura stem engraver
- find out about the musical term that enables me to do this...

Any pointers would be very appreciated.


\version "2.1.26"

\header {
  texidoc = "Only a melody."

melody = \notes \relative c' {
  \time 4/4 \key d \major
  \appoggiatura fis'16 <b, fis' b>8.[ e16]

\score {
  \context Staff \melody
  \paper { }

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