Dear listmembers,

I installed Lilypond yesterday for the first time and ran into an error, for which I found no solution in the archives.

My system is Windows2000(SP4), the most recent Cygwin, teTex, etc. and Lilypond 2.0.1 (MikTex is installed in a different folder).

The error: the ly.-files don't compile properly, as reported by the logfile:



lilypond (GNU LilyPond) 2.0.1

Running usr...

Now processing: `'


Interpreting music...[5]

Preprocessing graphical objects...

Calculating line breaks... warning: can't find ascii character: 252


paper output to `buergerlied.tex'...


writing header field `title' to `buergerlied.title'...

writing header field `composer' to `buergerlied.composer'...


Analyzing buergerlied.tex...

Running latex...

Running dvips...

Running ps2pdf...lilypond: error: `ps2pdf' failed (status 128)

lilypond: error: The error log is as follows:

/cygdrive/c/DOKUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOKALE~1/Temp/tmpJvix-Ypsxpdf.errorloglilypond: warning: Failed to make PS file. Rerun with --verbose for a trace.

DVI output to `buergerlied.dvi'...


The error logs in the TEMP directory, to which the logfile refers me, are empty, however.

When I checked the .dvi-file with the YAP viewer I got the message:

Cannot open PS header file "". Afterwards the sheet appeared, but the noteheads were replaced by strange characters like question marks.

I admit that I am rather at a loss. I suspect that the error is the result of a font problem, but since I am not sure about how to procees, I would be grateful for any hint.

Thank you in advance.


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