As indicated in the manual, you can change the breathe sign by
redefining the text property. Then, you can read the section on
text markup to find out an apropriate value. For example, you may
want to try this

\property Score.BreathingSign \override #'text = \markup{ \musicglyph #"accidentals-leftparen" \musicglyph #"scripts-rcomma" \musicglyph #"accidentals-rightparen" }

(I have only tried it with a recent development version but changed
the syntax to correspond to version 2.0.x.)


Jeremy Cowgar wrote:

In typesetting some flute music for beginners (myself), optional breathe
marks exist in my source and I would like to include them in my LilyPond
document. They are indicated by (')... instead of the normal '.

Can this be done? If so, how?



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