>> Don't talk nonsense! The notation fp is common in lots of music
>> should be performed similarly to fz and sfz (exactly how it should
>> be performed depends on when the music was written and may also
>> vary from composer to composer.
>I went to HDM, and it says "loud, followed by soft".  I have only
>seen it at the beginning of a repeated section, before the first note,
>where the sense I gave it is perfectly clear.  You may have seen
>it often in the sense of sfz, but I have not.  Clearly sfz is
>preferable anyway?

Mats is right on this point.  In fact, I just leafed through some of my
music and found, in one measure, two consecutive half notes each with fp on
them.  It is not repeated music.  fp, fz, fzp, sf, sfz, sfp, rf,
rfz....they're all out there.  If you want to indicate that the dynamics
are different on repeats then they must be separated -> f-p, or f-p-mf, or
ff-p-mf or whatever your dynamic requirements are.  For example, if you
want it \f and then \ff on the repeat you can't use \fff.  Does it mean
fortississimo, forte and then fortissimo, or fortissimo and then forte?


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