Is there any major difference between lilypond versions 2.0.1 and 2.0.3 regarding \repeat and \alternative?

I have a piece of music made up of multiple parts, with multiple lyrics, wherein each note part contains \repeat volta 2 { ... } \alternative { { ... } { ... } }. I'm finding that I get a alternative ending block for each part, but on different measures. I have confirmed that the repeats and alternative specifiers are on the correct measures, and are the same measure for each part.

I have always done repeats in this manner (if this is incorrect, please show me the correct way to do repeats w/ multiple parts), and wonder if this is an effect of having been upgraded to 2.0.3 by fink over the weekend.

I suppose I could work around this by having an extra part that is empty save for the number of measures before, after, and within the \repeat and \alternative, but don't want to bother if its not my mistake.

--Matthew Peltzer

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