This is a problem I have had very often . There are two solutions to this
1. make a separate noMarkup, markup statement and change the text attribute
    of the TimeSignature, as shown below.

  noteMarkup = \markup \number { \musicglyph #"timesig-C2/2" \column < "3"
"2" > }
  noMarkup = \markup { "" }
  \score {
      \context Voice = one \notes \relative c'' {
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'print-function = #Text_item::print
        \override Staff.TimeSignature   #'text = #noteMarkup
        \time 2/2
        \partial 2
        \key as \major
         c2 f,4 bes2 es,4 as2 g4 f es2 c4  es4 |
        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'text = #noMarkup
        \time 3/2 f2 g2 as4 g \time 2/2 f2 es4 des f1  \bar ":|" \break

2. replace the #'text = #noMarkup by #'print-function = #'(), so the
noMarkup is not needed.
    I did not test this, but I'm pretty sure it will work.

But I would prefer a solution that is built into lilypond to cope with
composed time signatures.
I already have made a specification for it and as soon as I have some other
work finished
I would like to contribute this functionality to the lilypond project. ;-)

Ruud van Silfhout

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mats Bengtsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 3:38 PM
Subject: Re: Composed time signature

> How do you want them notated? Does your piece have a regular pattern
> where every second bar is 3/8 and every second is 2/4 or do they change
> randomly?
> If there is no regular pattern, I as a musician would very much
> appreciate to have all changes marked with a new time signature.
> However, you can always just insert barlines at whatever position
> using \bar "|".
> To avoid that LilyPond inserts any extra bar lines where it thinks they
> should be according to the underlying official \tempo directive, you
> could set
> \property Score.defaultBarType = #"empty"
> or use \cadenzaOn or alternatively make sure that the bar length given
> by \time is at least as long as the longest bar in the piece and include
> bar checks at every \bar "|". This together with
> \property Score.barCheckSynchronize = ##t
> at the beginning of the piece will make LilyPond reset the bar length
> counting at every |.
>     /Mats
> > Hello.
> >
> > Is it possible to have a composed time signature?
> > In
> >
> > it is said that it can be faked but in the example, 6/4+[3/2], the 2
parts of
> > the bar have the same length, which can be faked as 2 bars.
> > But what about asymmetric signatures, e.g. 3/8+[2/4] ?
> >
> > [I'm (still) using version 2.1.0 because there are no more recent
official Debian
> > upgrades.]
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Gilles
> >
> >
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> --
> =============================================
> Mats Bengtsson
> Signal Processing
> Signals, Sensors and Systems
> Royal Institute of Technology
> SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
> Sweden
> Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
>          Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
> WWW:
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> lilypond-user mailing list

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