This is probably a consequence of that you had the environment
variable set when you installed the package tetex-tiny in Cygwin.

Just klick on the cygwin icon to open a cygwin command window and
then run the command
texconfig init
Then, the TeX environment should hopefully be setup correctly.
Unless you have very bad luck, this should solve the problems
with double-clicking on .ly files, too.


Ulrich Vollert wrote:

I would like to report that I found a first solution to my problem:

I have installed a different TeX-version on my Windows and there is an
environment variable called TEXMFCNF defined for this TeX-version which points to a 
directory under Windows.

When I delete this variable in Windows, kpsewhich will find feta20.afm
and lilypond translates the file ;-)

But now...LaTeX (under cygwin) has a problem:

....................................... This is TeXk, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.4.5)
%&-line parsing enabled.
kpathsea: Running mktexfmt latex.fmt fmtutil: config file `fmtutil.cnf' not found. I can't find the format file `latex.fmt'!

I assume that there is still something wrong with the variables or

BTW kpsewhich finds the file fmtutil.cnf.

Unfortunately, I am neither an expert in cygwin nor in TeX. Probably
somebody could help me to get TeX running for Lilypond.

The other problem....starting lilypond from outside cygwin i. e. by
double-clicking on work !?

Regards and TIA for your help


On Sat, 1 May 2004 19:18:00 +0200 Ulrich Vollert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I tried to install Lilypond on my Windows XP and followed the
installation procedure on

When I double-clicked on a cygwin bash window opened shortly
but nothing more happened ???

I copied from the desktop to my


and tried the command


This produced the attached log-file which says that a file named
"feta20.afm" (a font-file?) is missing????

Could you give me an hint to correct my errors?

Thank you very much in advance,



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