----- Réacheminé par Jean-marc LEGRAND/CRS/FR/RM/Corp le 25/05/2004 14:44 -----
                    Mats Bengtsson                                                     
                    <mats.bengtsson@        Pour :  LEGRAND Jean-Marc <[EMAIL 
                    s3.kth.se>              cc :    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  
                                            Objet :      Re: figures position          
                    25/05/2004 14:08                                                   

The baseline-skip determines the spacing between the different
lines of figures (even though your setting doesn't change anything
that has to do with figured bass). However, the full figured bass
is typeset in a FiguredBass context. To change the distance between
this context and the Staff context below it, you could read
Since the FiguredBass context doesn't have any minimumVerticalExtent
set by default, it's the upper extent of the Staff context below it
that can be reduced.


LEGRAND Jean-Marc wrote:
> Hi, and thanks for your previous help : figured bass has much less secrets for me !
> I've still got a pb : my figures are printed above the bass line, which is what I 
> wanted. But the
> figures line is much too high, and I'de like to lower it. Do you have any trick for 
> this ?
> I've copied the manual to print the figured bass, but I don't understand the use of 
> the setting :
>           \property Voice.TextScript
>           \set #'baseline-skip = #'0.2
> When I chage the value to 1.4 or 4, nothing chages...
> Regards
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           Mats Bengtsson
           Signal Processing
           Signals, Sensors and Systems
           Royal Institute of Technology
           SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
           Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
         Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
           Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe

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