On May 28, 2004, at 3:12 AM, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

With respect to your second question, here is my solution to a similar problem:
\acciaccatura {\override Stem #'beamed-lengths = #'(3.6 4.2) af,16[ af']}
The upper note was originally hidden in the beam; by adjusting the beamed-lengths, I was able to achieve the desired results.

Thanks Stan. That is working! I'm still guessing at values, trying, adjusting, etc.

Is there an explanation of the values anywhere?

-- Jim Sabatke
I have looked an explanation without success. I've inferred that the numbers refer to successive barred stem lengths; the example in the manual has three stems and three numbers.

Manual -> Stems -> Stem object leads you to
http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.2/Documentation/user/out-www/lilypond- internals/Stem.html
which documents the property. When you only specify two numbers, the
first one will apply to eighth notes and the second to 16th and shorter.



The above documentation states:

beamed-lengths (list):
'(3.5 3.5 3.5 4.5 5.0)

list of stem lengths given beam multiplicity .

As stated in my previous response, the values of (list) are the source of my confusion. I haven't found a clear explanation of how values of (list) are applied. The example (which, I assume, has default values) shows a list of five numbers. The example which I followed had a list of 3 values. Unfortunately, I can't recall whether it came from the manual or the archives.

I was surprised that an adjustment was required in the piece I was coding-

\acciaccatura { af,16[ af'] } <af c gf'>8\arpeggio buried the af' in the bar. I'm assuming it had something to do with the chord which followed. It is certainly an advantage that Lilypond allows adjustments!


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