Thank you very much Simon It gave some great ideas.

I do get

error: bad grob property path (parent-alignment-X)

accD = -\tweak self-alignment-X -1

\tweak parent-alignment-X -1

I think that's because I am using 2.18.2 anyway it still gives me something
to work with.

The BOOK? there are lots of books on the topic of performance/performing
practice. The one I gave was Clive Brown printed 1999. Oxford University

Anyway thanks


On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 5:50 PM, Simon Albrecht <>

>  Hello Stephen,
> how about the attached? I implemented it in two different ways: once as an
> articulation, once as a dynamic script. You also see the line-widths of my
> long-accent-markup and the default hairpin in comparison.
> HTH, Simon
> Am 27.03.2015 um 19:03 schrieb Stephen MacNeil:
>   when composers wanted to create an accent (before the notated accent
> symbol) they used diminuendo over just one note. this however in Performing
> practice leaves the question did they mean an accented note or a note that
> quickly diminishes, or perhaps both. as performance practice becomes more
> standard in score it seams common not to apply your own interpretation but
> render the score as it was and add performance notes.
>  This is my preference.
>  a great book on the topic is "Classical and Romantic Performing Practice
> 1750-1900"
> Interesting topic; by whom is the book? published when and where?
> anyway a discussion on shortening the hairpin (March 19th) led me to
> thinking maybe there is a better solution then i currently use.
>  my current workaround is
>  <<
> \new Dynamics {
> \once \override Hairpin.X-offset = #.5
> \once \override Hairpin.Y-offset = #5.35
> s4*45/100\>s\! s s s4
> }
> \relative c'' {<<{<cis ais>4 <d b>8 \slurDown fis16 (e)}\\{\stemDown
> g,,8\rest e [e] g8\rest}>>
> }
> >>
> they where often notated center to center or center to end of note head.
> The advantage of this way is I can adjust the hairpin length and position
> to my liking.
>  any one have a better approach.
>  Thanks
> Stephen
>  Oh my last posting "rendering on linux vs windows" was a \paper {}
> mistake -- we both had different ones... oops.
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