On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 10:55:17PM +0100, Henry Law wrote:
> I'm writing a part in 4/4 which requires the player to remain silent for the
> first three bars.  I want to compress the rests, so I want the page to start
> with a "Full measure" rest with the number 3 above it.
> The notation manual under the heading "Full measure rests" suggests that I
> code an R1 and then multiply it by the number of bars I want.  My test file
> is therefore this:
> \version "2.16.2"
> baritone = {
>   \relative c'' {
>     \key a \major
>     \compressFullBarRests
>     \time 4/4
>     R1*3
>   }
> }
> \score {
>     \new Staff \baritone
> }
> But from http://www.lawshouse.org/music/DoubleWholeRest.pdf you can see that
> the result is three bars' worth of rests (a double-whole rest and a whole
> rest), with the number 3 above.  Surely that's double-counting, amounting to
> nine bars of 4/4!

No.  That's standard but not necessarily modern notation.  You will see that
in lots of classical music.


\override Score.MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = #1

in your music to avoid what are sometimes called "church rests."


Paul Scott

> Of course, it's me that's doing something wrong; but what?
> -- 
> Henry Law            Manchester, England
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