Am 13.04.2015 um 19:40 schrieb Abraham Lee:
Greetings, Ponders!

Recently, I began collaborating with the designer of the Susato music font. Before I get too deep in it, though, I was wondering if you could humor me a little and let me know if you have any interest in *purchasing* the font if it were made LilyPond-compatible. The current asking price is $149, and is only available to Finale users. I suspect that the cost will be no different for LilyPond users, but this hasn't been decided yet.

Anyone interested? I will withdraw my efforts if there isn't. I hope to hear from everyone either way!

I think purchasing a notation font for that price or anything similar would require a significant surplus over the variety of fonts that is now available to us.
From my POV such a surplus could be:
- to know the font has a significantly higher quality in detail than the other replacement fonts
  (not necessarily than Emmentaler) - whatever this should be
- a significant number of additional glyphs, made available through reasonably simple means
- real optical sizes

I don't have any idea if providing a commercial notation font for LilyPond makes sense economically. My gut feeling says that for 150 Dollars a font should provide really much ... The best perspective *I* would see is for highly specialized fonts for specific engraving purposes.


Better yet, here's a very quick, no-obligation, anonymous survey that you can use to voice your opinion:


NOTE: Once you cast your vote and hit "Finish Survey" you are done and can close the browser window.


P.S. If I have neglected a request from any of you for another music font, please forgive and remind me :-) I have tried to keep track of them all, but haven't been able to fulfill them in as timely a manner as I'd like to.

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