It is terrific. Now only one input of notes is generating Voice Staff for 
jianpu notation and new Staff for music score.  Thank you.
I try to put  r8  r16  r32 and I got the following error:Starting 
lilypond-windows.exe 2.19.17 []...Processing 
music...[8]warning: type check for `stencil' failed; value `#<unspecified>' 
must be of type `stencil'fatal error: typecheck failedExited with return code 1.
Thank you again for making this possible. I have been waiting this for years, 
since v2.12.  Silas's and David's solution require to code twice - one for 
jianpu and one for music score.   Your is only one input and straight forward. 
I also try out \transpose c d to both voice & staff and it works.

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