
I'd like to have a few people who are interested in testing and discussing a new way to select music and text fonts in LilyPond. When finishing the infrastructure in openLilyLib it turned out that it's better to include (major) parts in LilyPond itself. As a "teaser" I attach the test file here ;-)

I'd particularly need at least one Windows user - as I *assume* it doesn't work yet there.

Requirement is willingness to overwrite two files in the LilyPond installation.

Urs Liska
\version "2.19.19"

% External directory where LilyPond fonts are stored.
% Should usually be passed through the command line
% One directory with all file types in it (can be discussed)
% When the option is set this directory will be searched first,
% only when a font is not found there the installation's path will be searched.
% Order of precedence:
% 'fontdir -> installation directory
% font-with-opticals -> font-without-opticals -> Emmentaler
% The fallback is done for each component individually
%#(ly:set-option 'fontdir "/shared/fonts/lilypond")

\paper {
% Uncomment the following invocations one by one
% Note that a default text font is automatically set.

% Load a font and the corresponding brace font
% Font name is case insensitive
  fonts = \setNotationFont LilyJAZZ

% Load a font, missing brace font will fallback to Emmentaler
  %fonts = \setNotationFont Paganini

% Combination of music and brace font can be given as dot-list
  %fonts = \setNotationFont paganini.LilyJAZZ

% Special brace keyword 'none' will use Emmentaler
  %fonts = \setNotationFont Improviso.none

% Traditional list notation is also valid
% (and necessary for gutenberg1939)
  %fonts = \setNotationFont #'(Haydn Gutenberg1939)


\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff
      c' ^\markup "Test text fonts" d' e' f'
    \new Staff s1
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