On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 11:39:00PM +0200, Pierre Perol-Schneider wrote:
> Hi Abraham,
> Thanks for sharing the results.
> And I'm surprised too : 5a persons, that's roughly 20% of the member's list
> (I'd bet on 100 persons at least).
> Too bad.

I missed this survey...

But FWIW, what is my affiliation with music? -- I'm an amateur composer,
and I do play piano and guitar on the side, both self-taught.

Why do I engrave music? -- it's for recording my compositions in a nice,
presentable form. :-)  And specifically to Lilypond -- to have my music
in a form that's easily edited without having to pay lots of money to a
professional engraver and/or tediously rewrite manuscripts by hand.

What notation/engraving software do I use on a regular basis? -- Well,
this question is obviously going to get biased answers given that this
*is* the lilypond-user mailing list! But in any case, I primarily use
Lilypond. I used Rosegarden in the past but gave it up as it was more a
sequencer than a notation program, so I no longer use it. Before that I
also use pencil & paper, but ever since I returned to Lilypond early
this year and finding that it has come a long way since the old days
when I first heard about it, I've given up on pencil & paper as well
(except for temporary sketches), and have in fact started transcribing
some of my pencil-and-paper scores into Lilypond.


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