J L wrote:

Can someone tell me how to call the scripts? I know that there is stuff in the documentation about doing so, but a physical example would be better (such as how to basically get it to open a file and generate an output file with the changes). I would in particular like to know how to operate 'midi2ly' and 'convert-ly'.

It's pretty easy to use the scripts:

   midi2ly foo.mid -o foo.ly

   convert-ly foo.ly > foo-converted.ly

However, you should do some preparation on your files before conversion. For best results, your MIDI files should be Type 1 (otherwise everything goes into a single track), quantized and stripped of extraneous data. When using convert-ly you should add this line to your original LY file:

   \version "1.8"

since the utility essentially works as an updating device.

Also, how is it decided which versions are ported to Windows?

I don't use Windows and I'm not a LilyPond developer, but my guess is that there's a big dartboard at LilyPond Central... ;-)

Btw, please correct me if I'm in error in my descriptions of the utilities. I've simply described how I use them.

Best regards,


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