Hi, as mentioned by others your example is not very useful. Actually it puzzles me, I have _no_ idea about the intended output. Nevertheless, you happily mix different things all the time: TextScript and RehearsalMark. They have different usecases and different default settings. Anyway you could play with \textLengthOn \textLengthOff \markLengthOn \markLengthOff \once \override Score.VoltaBracket.shorten-pair = #'(1 . 1.4) adjust the values to fit your needs. All are mentioned in the NR. Some explained with example(s). 'shorten-pair only with it's description (If you wanna know why the first value is 1, you'd need to dive in deep, very deep in the source code for bar-lines and how they play together with VoltaBrackets. Are you sure you really want?) HTH a bit, Harm P.S. \version "2.10.0" ???? That would be prehistoric
Thanks - I'll play with that.

As for the intended output, basically I don't want the two text strings stacking above each other. It's as simple as that. There's 7 bars rest. Musically, "Allegretto con Molto" belongs above the first bar, "Take 2nd on D.S." belongs above the 7th. Because the trombone doesn't play, lily has put the two texts above each other, instead of one after the other horizontally :-(

And the coda sign - again, I don't want it stacked vertically above the repeat bracket - I need to shorten the bracket so it can drop down to sit horizontal with the bracket, over the bar line.

That's the problem with both pain-points - vertical stacking is the wrong thing to do.

Oh - and how do I get Score.VoltaBracket.shorten-pair to affect only the *second* bracket? Do I stick it between the two alternatives? I know when I tried something like that last time, it wouldn't even compile ...

( 2.10.0? I haven't updated the version string. My Windows laptop has 2.18, my gentoo desktop has 2.15 (the latest "stable" there, I think))


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