Hi Urs,

On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 11:38 AM, Urs Liska <u...@openlilylib.org> wrote:

> Am 28.04.2015 um 18:14 schrieb Urs Liska:
>> Am 28.04.2015 um 17:53 schrieb Urs Liska:
>>> I think I have found something.
>>> After some experimenting with a copy of font-config-get-font-file and
>>> trying different approaches I could guess from the documentations available
>>> I found that replacing an item in the FcPatternGetString call this function
>>> returns the font name and not the Postscript name or the font file.
>>> The following preliminary function (if added to font-config-scheme.cc)
>>> returns either the Font Name (if the font exists) or "Emmentaler-11" (on my
>>> system) if it doesn't exist. I assume it would return other names on other
>>> systems:
>>> LY_DEFINE (ly_font_config_font_exists, "ly:font-config-font-exists", 1,
>>> 0, 0,
>>> ...
>>> Best
>>> Urs
>> Wrapping this Scheme function around that:
>> fontExists =
>> #(define-scheme-function (parser location font-name)(string?)
>>    (string=? font-name (ly:font-config-font-exists font-name)))
>> shows that my idea is right: The C++ function returns the family name of
>> either the given font or the (system-dependent) fallback font. Now all
>> there would be to it is moving the comparison of the latter Scheme function
>> to the C++ function .
>> Urs
> Last one for this working session: The following function
> ly:font-config-font-exists will return true or false depending on whether
> the given font is available.

I tried this out on my VM (Ubuntu 10.04.4 -- yes, I need to update to the
most recent LilyDev...)

Should it work for any font that's listed by ly:font-config-display-fonts?
It works for most of the names I've tried, though not all.  For example.
"Kedage" returns #f.

> The only drawback (yet) is that now the comparison is case sensitive. But
> *that* should be easy now?

I don't find anything convenient.  I suppose you could just convert both
strings to lower- or uppercase and then compare. But is this desirable?  I
mean, is LilyPond ever case-insensitive?

Thanks for working on this!

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