Thank you for the test run with v2.19.19 and I got the following 
Starting lilypond-windows.exe 2.19.19 []...Processing 
music...C:/Users/Tsang/Dropbox/LP_includes/ In procedure 
ly:event-property in expression (ly:event-property event (quote 
jianpu-key-sig)):C:/Users/Tsang/Dropbox/LP_includes/ Wrong 
type argument in position 1 (expecting Stream_event): #fExited with return code 


     On Tuesday, April 28, 2015 4:20 PM, Paul Morris <> 

 Hi David and Ming,

On Apr 25, 2015, at 6:18 PM, Paul Morris <> wrote:
However, I see now that really a different approach is needed.  Basically whole 
notes and half notes should be converted into the equivalent number of quarter 
notes, with the first one displayed as a number and the rest as dashes.  That 
way the spacing will be much better.
I’ve started experimenting with this.  It will take using a music function.  
This will also allow automatically inserting markups for the octave dots, which 
will then make it easier to have beams that span more than one note.  So there 
are several benefits to this approach.

Attached is a new version (8) that implements this new approach.  It seems to 
be working well.  Spacing is improved, the beams now span more than one note 
and they span rests too, octave dots are below beams, a first/rough draft of 
Jianpu key signatures is in place, etc.  
A music function \jianpuMusic is used to modify the music input.  You use it 
like this:
\new JianpuStaff \jianpuMusic {  % music goes here as usual…}
This music function breaks half and whole notes/rests into quarter notes/rests, 
including dotted versions (even pesky double-dotted half notes/rests).  “Under 
the hood” rests are actually converted into notes so that they can have beams 
and flags just like notes do.
The function also transposes the music to C major key signature “under the 
hood" which gives us correct octaves and accidentals "for free" -- much simpler 
this way.  (Because of this you can’t get midi output with \jianpuMusic, you’d 
just use a separate score for midi without this music function applied to the 
Ok, that’s enough for now…  let me know if you have questions.  It seems that 
lyrics will need a similar \jianpuLyrics function to work correctly.

\version "2.19.19"
\language "english"

\include ""

\header {
  title = "十架七言"
  subtitle = "7 speech"
  % Remove default LilyPond tagline
  tagline = ##f

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "letter")

\layout {
  \context {
    \consists "Melody_engraver"
    \override Stem #'neutral-direction = #'()

globald = {
  \key d \major
  \time 3/4
  \tempo 4=100
globalc = {
  \key c \major
  \time 3/4
  \tempo 4=100

melodyd =   {  
  fs'2. %m01
  e'2 a'8. g'16 |%m002
  fs'4 fs'2 |%m03
  d'4 d''4 cs''8.( b'16) %m04
  a'2 b'8. g'16 |%m05
  fs'2 e'8 fs'8 |%m06
  e'8 b8 d'2 |%m07
  a'4 fs'2 |%m08
  e'4 fs'4  a'8( g'8) |%m09
  fs'2 d''4 |%m10
  cs''8( d''8) e''8( d''8) cs''8( b'8) |%m11
  a'2. |%m12
  d'4 d''2 |%m13
  d''4 cs''4 b'8 a'8 |%m14
  fs'2. |%m15
  d'4 b'2 |%m16
  b'4 a'4 g'8 fs'8 |%m17
  e'2 a'8( g'8) |%m18
  fs'2 fs'8( e'8) |%m19
  d'2 d''8( cs''8) |%m20
  b'2 b'8( a'8) |%m21
  g'2 fs'4 |%m22
  e'8 d' cs'( e') cs'( d') |%m23
  b2. |%m24
  b2 cs'8( e'16 d'16) |%m25
  b2 g'8( b'16 g'16) |%m26
  fs'2 r4 |%m27
  fs'8 fs'4. r4 |%m28
  b'4 a'8( g'8) fs'4 |%m29
  e'8 d' cs' e' d' cs' |%m30
  b2. \bar"|."

melodyc =   {  

  e'2. %m01
  d'2 g'8. f'16 |%m002
  e'4 e'2 |%m03
  c'4 c''4 b'8.( a'16) %m04
  g'2 a'8. f'16 |%m05
  e'2 d'8 e'8 |%m06
  d'8 a8 c'2 |%m07
  g'4 e'2 |%m08
  d'4 e'4  g'8( f'8) |%m09
  e'2 c''4 |%m10
  b'8( c''8) d''8( c''8) b'8( a'8) |%m11
  g'2. |%m12
  c'4 c''2 |%m13
  c''4 b'4 a'8 g'8 |%m14
  e'2. |%m15
  c'4 a'2 |%m16
  a'4 g'4 f'8 e'8 |%m17
  d'2 g'8( f'8) |%m18
  e'2 e'8( d'8) |%m19
  c'2 c''8( b'8) |%m20
  a'2 a'8( g'8) |%m21
  f'2 e'4 |%m22
  d'8 c' b( d') b( c') |%m23
  a2. |%m24
  a2 b8( d'16 c'16) |%m25
  a2 f'8( a'16 f'16) |%m26
  e'2 r4 |%m27
  e'8 e'4. r4 |%m28
  a'4 g'8( f'8) e'4 |%m29
  d'8 c' b d' c' b |%m30
  a2. \bar"||"\break

verse = \lyricmode {
  父 啊! 赦 免 他 們, 因 為 他 們 所 作 的, 他 們 不 曉 得. 
  %{我 實 在 告 訴 你, %} 今 日 你 要 同 我 在 樂 園 裡 了. 
  母 親 看 你 的 兒 子, (門 徒) 看 你 的 母 親. 
  我 的 神 哪! 我 的 神 哪! 為 甚 麽 離 棄 我!
  我 渴 了!
  成 了!
  父 啊! 我 將 我 靈 魂 交 在 祢 手 裡.

\score { 
    \new JianpuStaff \jianpuMusic
        {  \globald \melodyd }
    %\new ChordNames \chordNames
    \new Staff    { \globald \melodyd }
    \addlyrics { \verse }
  \layout { }
  \midi { }

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