Hi Steven,

On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 5:40 PM, Steven Weber <pant...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> I finally managed to hack together highlighting code for key signatures
> that does what I want (ignores the initial key signature, and only
> highlights key signatures at the beginning of the line if it was broken
> across the line).

But what about the break at measure 14?  (I like the highlighting of both.)

> But, my code feels…inelegant.  In particular, I’m using a global variable

Why not move the binding into the let-block of the engraver?  A cursory
look isn't showing any reason for a global variable, and making it local
works with your example.

> and I had to define my own alist equality function because I couldn’t find
> one with google.  Can one of you Scheme gods take a look at what I’m doing
> and see if there’s anything obvious I could be doing better?

You write:

 #(define (alist-equal? l r)
    ;; Both items are null - this is equal
    ((and (null? l) (null? r)) #t)
    ;; Left is null and right isn't is not equal
    ((and (null? l) (not (null? r))) #f)
    ;; Left is not null and right is is not equal
    ((and (not (null? l)) (null? r)) #f)
    ;; Check for equality of the items
    ((not (equal? (car l) (car r))) #f)
    ;; Recurse to the next item
    (else (alist-equal? (cdr l) (cdr r)))))

Why not just:

#(define (alist-equal? l r)
   (equal? l r))

> And apologies for the formatting.  Scheme and I do not get along.
> Counting parens drives me crazy, so I format it like I do any other
> language that uses braces instead of parens (expect lots and lots of extra
> white space!)

Frescobaldi highlights matching parentheses, and it will automatically
indent for you.  OK, well, the default reduces your whitespace
dramatically, but weigh that against super-long lines!  Possibly you can
configure the indent.

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