Quick question how does one put a thumb in the fret-diagram fingering?
apparently it was added 4 years ago but i can't seem to figure it out. I
thought I could change mute string but it doesn't go below... that i can
figure. My markup is

 \fret-diagram #"6-1;5-3-3;4-3-4;3-2-2;2-1-1;1-o;"

Also i have to use 3 files to get control over distance of title
fret-diagram and score ... is there a better way?

1. score

2. fretboard-diagram

3. mix with header


\markup {\vspace #0.3 }

\include "Example-Chords.ly"

\markup {\vspace #2.5 }

\markup \halign #-19 \fontsize # -2.5 \lower #0 {"A band Name"}

\include "example.ly"

\header {

title = "Song Title"

subtitle = \markup \fontsize #-2.2 "Words and music by ..."

copyright = \markup \fontsize #-2.2 "©1999, Warner Bros."

tagline = ##f


here is my example


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