Hello everybody,

Am 05.05.2015 um 02:02 schrieb Adam Michael Wood:
I would like the copyright notice to appear just below the last system of
music, flush left.
(See for example,  the copyright notices under hymns in almost every

Is there a way to move the copyright notice this way?
Yes, see <http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentation/notation/custom-titles-headers-and-footers>. I created an example file (see attachment), which unfortunately doesn’t work – I don’t know why. Can anybody say why the #part-first-page procedure (defined in ly/titling-init.ly) isn’t recognised here?

HTH, Simon
\version "2.18"

oddFooterMarkup = \markup {
  \column {
    \fill-line {
      %% Copyright header field only on first page in each bookpart.
      \on-the-fly #part-first-page \fromproperty #'header:copyright
    \fill-line {
      %% Tagline header field only on last page in the book.
      \on-the-fly #last-page \fromproperty #'header:tagline

\header {
  copyright = "test copyright"

\markup \null
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