  I'm composing a piece. The attached harp part is ok until the last
two lines of each part. When I comment out them, there is no error.
When I leave them to be compiled, the following error appears, and I
can't figure out what's wrong at all:
programming error: no note heads for the line spanner on neighbor
line? Confused.
continuing, cross fingers
What's wrong on earth?

\version "2.18.2"

str = \change Staff = rh
stl = \change Staff = lh

  #(set-global-staff-size 17)
  harprh = \relative c' {
    \clef treble \key f \minor \numericTimeSignature \time 4/4
  % intro
    r2 <f ees c bes>\arpeggio\laissezVibrer | R1 |
    r2 <f ees c aes>\arpeggio\laissezVibrer | R1 |
    r2 <g c, bes g>\arpeggio | R1^\markup { "C" \smaller \flat ", G" \smaller \flat } |
    r2 <aes ges ees aes,>\arpeggio\laissezVibrer |
    R1^\markup { "C" \smaller \natural }^"colla parte" |
    r2 <f ees c bes>\arpeggio\laissezVibrer |
    R1^\markup { "G" \smaller \natural } |
    r2 <g f d c>\arpeggio\laissezVibrer\fermata | R1 | R1 |
  % rehearsal 1
    R1^\markup { "D" \smaller \sharp ", G" \smaller \sharp } | R1 |
    \tuplet 3/2 2 { r4 c'4\p f, r2 c'4 } |
    \tuplet 3/2 2 { f, r c' f, r c' } |
    f,4 c'8( f, c' f, c' f,) |
    <c' f,>4 q q q |
    q\mf <f c f,>\arpeggio <c f, c>\arpeggio <f, c f,>\arpeggio |
    <c f, c>\arpeggio <f, c f,> r2 |
    s1 |
  % rehearsal 2
    R1^\markup { "D" \smaller \flat ", G" \smaller \natural } |
    <c' f, c>1\arpeggio |
    \stl \tuplet 3/2 4 { aes,,8( ees' g \str c ees g } c4) r |
    \str R1^\markup { "G" \smaller \flat } |
    \stl \tuplet 3/2 4 { aes,,8( ees' f \str c' ees f } c'4) r |
    s2. r4 | s2.^\markup { "G" \smaller \natural } r4 |
    s2. r4 | s2. r4 |
  % rehearsal 3
    R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 |
    \time 3/4 R2.*4 |
    \time 4/4 R1 | R1 | R1 |
  % rehearsal 4
    s1*10 | s1*2^\markup { "G" \smaller \flat } |
    s1*2^\markup { "G" \smaller \natural } |
    \stl \tuplet 3/2 4 { c,,,8( c' \str g' bes c ees f c ees f g c } |
    ees4) r r2 | R1*3 |

  harplh = \relative c, {
    \clef bass \key f \minor \numericTimeSignature
  % intro
    r2 <f c' f>\arpeggio\laissezVibrer | R1 |
    r2 <f c' f>\arpeggio\laissezVibrer | R1 |
    r2 <ees c' ees>\arpeggio | R1 |
    r2 <ces ces' ees>\arpeggio\laissezVibrer | R1 |
    r2 <bes' f'>\arpeggio\laissezVibrer |
    R1 | r2 <c g'>\arpeggio\laissezVibrer\fermata |
    R1 | R1 |
  % rehearsal 1
    R1*4 | R1 | R1 | R1 |
    r2 <c f c'>4\arpeggio <c, f c'>\arpeggio |
    \tag #'score { f32 gis aes bes c dis ees32*18\glissando \str f''4 | }
    \tag #'midi { \tuplet 9/8 4 { f,,,32 gis aes bes c dis ees f gis aes bes c dis ees f gis aes bes } \tuplet 10/8 { c dis ees f gis aes bes c dis ees } f4 | }
  % rehearsal 2
    \stl R1 |
    <des,,,, aes' f'>1\arpeggio |
    s2 r | R1 | s2 r |
    ges8( des'16 ges \str \tuplet 5/4 { bes des ees ges aes } bes4) \stl r |
    f,,16( c' ees f \str \tuplet 5/4 { aes bes c ees aes } f4) \stl r |
    \tuplet 3/2 4 { des,,8( aes' f' \str aes bes des } f4) \stl r |
    \tuplet 3/2 4 { f,,8( c' f \str aes c aes' } f4) \stl r |
  % rehearsal 3
    R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 |
    R2.*4 | R1 | R1 | R1 |
  % rehearsal 4
    \tuplet 3/2 4 { f,,8( c' f \str bes c ees f bes, c ees f bes |
    c bes f ees c bes f' ees c bes \stl f c) |
    f,( c' f \str aes bes c f c ees f aes bes |
    c bes aes f ees c f ees c aes \stl f c) |
    ees,( c' g' \str bes c ees f c ees f g bes |
    ees c bes g f ees g f ees c \stl g c,) |
    des,( aes' f' \str aes bes des aes' f des bes aes f) |
    \stl c,( g' ees' \str g bes c g' f ees c bes g) |
    \stl aes,( c f \str aes bes c aes' f ees c bes aes) |
    \stl des,,( aes' f' \str aes bes des aes' f ees des bes aes) |
    \stl bes,( f' bes \str des ees f des' bes f ees des bes) |
    \stl ges,( des' ges \str bes des ees bes' ges ees des bes ges) |
    \stl f,( c' f \str aes c f aes f c aes \stl f c) |
    des,( aes' f' \str aes bes des aes' f des aes \stl f aes,) } |
    s2 r | R1 | R1*3 |

  dynamics = \relative c' {
  % intro
    s1*13\mp |
  % rehearsal 1
    s1*3 | s1*3\cresc |
    s2\mf s\> | s1 | s2.\mp\< s4\mf |
  % rehearsal 2
    s1 |
    s1*7\mf | s2.\> s4\mp |
  % rehearsal 3
    s1*4 | s2.*4 | s1*3 |
  % rehearsal 4
    s1*7\f | s1\> |
    s1\mf | s1*3\cresc |
    s1*2\f | s1\> | s1*4\mf |

  \score {
    \new PianoStaff = "harp" \with {
      instrumentName = "Arpa"
      shortInstrumentName = "Arp." } <<
      \set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t
      \new Staff = "rh" { \keepWithTag #'score \harprh }
      \new Dynamics { \dynamics }
      \new Staff = "lh" { \keepWithTag #'score \harplh }
    \layout {}
    \midi {}
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