On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 10:04 AM, tisimst <tisimst.lilyp...@gmail.com>

> Fantastic work, David!

Appreciate that!

> Definitely more involved code than you would expect, but very thoroughly
> done, allowing for non-centered alignments even. This would make an
> excellent addition to the core code, IMHO. Perhaps called
> "centered-name-column"?

What bugs me about it is the fact that so many steps are required for every
name and this amounts to a lot of repeated effort.  For every name, we need
to calculate the ideal position of all names all over again.  If there were
some way to cache the results of that calculation, do it once and then just
look it up, that would be great.

I wonder if a grouping grob which contains all the individual
InstrumentName grobs and handles their relative positioning would be a
better way to go.

> The only thing that I would further request (and this applies to
> instrumentName in general) is that the indent variable automatically adjust
> itself to be larger to compensate for names that run into the left margin
> (and sometimes off the page entirely!). It just seems like the kind of
> thing that should automatically happen, but maybe that's just me thinking
> out loud.

Yes, I've run into this--needing to tweak the indent to accommodate text
that goes off the left edge.  Not sure what the best practice would be.
After all, you do want the numbers you set for indent and short-indent to
exactly match what you specify.  Maybe there should simply be a warning?

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