Am 14.05.2015 um 15:07 schrieb N. Andrew Walsh:
So, I really want to use ScholarLy for my current project (the OE has typos and mistakes, they need to be noted, etc).

I cloned the entire git repository into a subdirectory of my ~/.lilypond directory, and have the following in my master .ly file for the project:

\include "openlilylib"

\useLibrary Scholarly

\useModule scholarly.annotate

In my .ly file for music, I have the following:

\musicalIssue \with {

author = "me"

message = "Typfehler"

source = "Fascimile der Stimme"


NoteHead %% Typo noted, Bar 32


This is inside a \Voice block. Compiling fails, complaining that the string is unrecognized. The \musicalIssue tag also does not show up on the auto-complete dropdown in frescobaldi.

So, it isn't working for me. What am I doing wrong?

I can't tell for sure if I don't see the actual file and/or at least the full error message. But if I take your report literally you have to add openLilyLib to LilyPond's include path - which you'll do in the Frescobaldi preferences.

Currently you'll have to add *two* directories there, namely openLilyLib's root directory plus the ly directory inside that. Someday, when the migration has completed the root won't be necessary anymore.

Frescobaldi doesn't know about openLilyLib's keywords, so you won't get any syntax highlighting either. Maybe I'll be able to do something about that in the future, but originally Frescobaldi claims to support the full syntax of the current stable version of LilyPond.

If that doesn't help you out please send the relevant part of the error messages completely (for example I would suspect that LilyPond already doesn't find "openlilylib").




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