Date: Thu, 14 May 2015 16:01:34 +0100

From: Mark Knoop <>

To: Lilypond User List <>

Subject: Re: Music function problem

Message-ID: <20150514160134.292179f6@brahms.leipzig>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

At 14:57 on 14 May 2015, Peter Gentry wrote:

> I have seen the error of my ways...

>My previous use of a function needed just a music object this was 

>simply the following music expression in my case an include file of 



>When the function has an additional parameter this must come after the 

>music not immediately after the \functionname.


>I was anticipating some internal Lily magic when the answer was 


Mark Knoop wrote:

>>Well, you could just change the order of the parameters, viz:

>>callmyfunction =

>>#(define-music-function (parser location n m) (number? ly:music?) 
>>(anotherfunction m n))

Yes that works too - sometimes I cannot see the wood for the trees!

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