
I agree and thanks. I made a change that keeps the natural slur. My
original thought "problem" is the inconsistency when it is drawn above or
below ... and this varies on stem direction as well. In guitar music with
all voices on a single clef this gets quite cramped. Hence my idea of just
having a standard marking - number 2. Perhaps I am to picky. When i say to
people "should this be a pixel higher and to the left" they look at me as
if i am crazy.

anyway number 3 is using the natural slur drawn by lilypond.


>I defnitely prefer the first one: I find it more consistent with the
>"regular" slurs. Only, if I can suggest, I'd make the curvature of the
>acciaccatura slur gradually more accentuate in proportion to the
>stretchting of the slur itself: as it is, it tends to appear almost flat
>when very stretched.

>All the best,

>     Luca
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