Hello Bernhard,

some more remarks from me:
– Generally, I wouldn’t go for one page at any cost. I understand your wish, but it would be easier to read if the choir were on four staves. And that’s what the great 19th century complete works editions used to do. Also, your current setup throws warnings because of the first bars of soprano and alto: either use \voiceThree and \voiceFour (look for "temporary polyphonic section" in the NR), or write both soprano parts as chords in one voice (<c e>), or move the alto parts to the lower staff.
– Use R1 instead of r1.
– m.9, organ: there is no a,, on all but a very few organs
– m.11, bass: is the e, intentional?
– m.17, tenor should be one whole note
– m.18, inconsistent breathing sign. How about
Breathe = \tweak text \markup \musicglyph #"scripts.caesura.straight" ?
– m.19, bass, 2nd note should be e
– I’d use only one lyrics context, also for the first line. The differences between voices are small, and through the slurs it’s unambiguous. I think every choir singer should be able to cope with that, and they will, if it’s explained to them :-) – Organ part: use chords wherever possible (instead of two voices), except for what will likely be the pedal part.
– m.12, organ: missing \oneVoice here
– Experiment with slur direction (i.e. ^( and _( ), e.g. m.18f., organ

Am 21.05.2015 um 13:43 schrieb Dr. Bernhard Kleine:
Thank you and the other contributors very much,

  1.with set-global-staff-size 16 only one page
  2.the \tempo solved the other problem
  3.however,  halign  #0.5 does not make the proper horizontal orientation,
the four entries sopran , alto, tenor and bass are not vertically aligned.

Any idea?
Try for example c2-\tweak self-alignment-X 0.8 _\markup "Tenor" (play with the value). There is no way to really align them, so you’d have to do it manually. But why would you need to?

HTH, Simon

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