Hi Noeck

Sorry for a late answer. I have been away from home and not being able to read my e-mail.

On 2015-05-23 20:41, Noeck wrote:
Hi Kaj,

in general you are right: In case there is only one expression,
duplicating the 'brackets', << >> or { } is not needed. You can even
write a single note without brackets:
\new Staff a
but of course not two:
\new Staff a b

At the top level you need something to tell LilyPond that this is music
(\new Staff in the examples above or braces) and not lyrics or commands
or something else:
{ a }
simply writing
is not enough.

Your code does not compile and it looks a bit strange.
Well, not strange. Now I see the example is not complete. It is an extract from the complete code, which was discussed earlier in the thread. Outside the \score block there are definitions of the different music parts \mE etc and text parts \tE etc. Another point is that I found a strange behaviour in my original version for LilyPond 2.18.2. However I also noticed that my example is working fine in LP version 2.19.20, so the bug I discovered is nowadays corrected.
While you are
right concerning redundant brackets, I wonder why you have staves inside
of voices?
The reason is the original question which dealt with how to get the lyrics below a staff appearing not at the beginning but later in the music. My original problem was that the lyrics showed up between the staves, while I wanted it below its respective staff. The lyrics text is not the same for the two staves. This lead to some different suggestion, while the final one from Carl was the one really working. However he suggested these doubled braces and angles, which I could not think are necessary, and you also agreed upon. I think that I understand this now. Thank you.
I put a different example here and I comment some of the brackets

\new ChoirStaff << % needed because of 2 staves
   \new Staff << % needed because of 2 voices inside staff
     \new Voice = vA { a b } % {} needed because multiple notes
     \new Voice = vB { c d }
     \new Lyrics \lyricsto vB { Hel -- lo }
   \new Staff { e f }  % no <<>> needed because only one voice
Does that make sense to you?
Yes, this example works fine for me, even if it does not really deal with the original question.


Thanks everybody for your hints and suggestions, which have finally lead me to a working knowledge.

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