Hi all

Does anybody here use point-and-click from an external PDF viewer (either Evince or Xpdf) to the lilypond editor? I find it useful when transcribing from a PDF manuscript, because I can organize three different windows (manuscript, PDF preview and lilypond editor) to work and compare.

The instructions to set up the environment (I'm on Linux, Gnome 3, Debian) are here:

I've tried several editors but none works correctly:

1. Frescobaldi opens up but the cursor remains where it was previously

2. Geany always open the first line, first column, whatever I click on the PDF

3. Gedit moves the cursor to the beginning of the correct line (but it ignores the column)

4. Gvim kind of works, because it jumps to the correct line/column. It's a bit annoying that I have to change the focus to Gvim window and click Enter to finally see the cursor in the right position.

5. Nano doesn't work. The error is:
lilypond-invoke-editor (GNU LilyPond) 2.19.21
failed to invoke editor: /bin/nano "/path/to/file.ly"

This happens with Evince and Xpdf. So it seems independent of the PDF viewer.
Does it depend on the textedit support in each editor?

I'm using the latest lilypond, installed in the home directory.
I've defined the LYEDITOR variable in ~/.bashrc.

I'm curious to know your experience on this matter.

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