Thanks for all suggestions. It's really appreciated!

I have a question for those who use version control (and especially Git) with LilyPond:

When I write a new piece (or rather when a first version is written) I'd like to edit this as a single repo. But when it's (more) finished I think it would be better to collect it with other pieces in a larger repo (with the history intact of course). How can I do this? Is it a good idea?

why not using branches?

if you're intending to merge repositories later anyway it might make sense to have them in one repository right from the start.

I haven't really considered this because I like the idea of having the pieces initially as single repos and only use the larger repo as a showcase/collection/library. But I shall give it some more thought though!

All the revision control magic I've seen until now ended with "How could we ever have
thought that was a good idea". Go with the flow.

I agree! With Git I think it is often best to keep it simple - code orderly, record the the history and keep it in sync. (It's no bad bad thing to know some Git magic though if you really need it...)

Therefore I was also hesitant of following some more advanced strategies I found.

See e.g.
and several other discussions on the internets.

This approach isn't very good because it includes an artificial commit that moves all stuff to some directory.

You should rather use a subtree merge: which allows to port commits between "big" repo and any remaining "subrepos"

This is very useful. I'll save this for later reference. But I'm not sure I need this technique for the present purpose.

What I now consider is my best option in this case is to simply add the single repo as a remote in the larger repo and merge it in.

I'm glad I asked the question. I were complicating things too much before, I think.


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