On 6/24/15, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Jacques Menu <imj-muz...@bluewin.ch> writes:
>> Hello Haipeng,
>> Replacing r4 by s4 removes the stem problem, but the tie one remains :
>>  <<
>>     {
>>       c2.\mf\<
>>       ~
>>       c2
>>     }
>>     \new Voice \voiceTwo { s4 g2 ~ g2 }
>>   >>
> Let me format this differently to illustrate what is going wrong here:
> <<
>    { c2.\mf\< ~ c2 }
>    \new Voice \voiceTwo
>    { s4 g2 ~ g2 }
> In a nutshell, the _only_ music "inside" of \new Voice is \voiceTwo.  So
> we can equally well leave it away, resulting in
> <<
>    { c2.\mf\< ~ c2 }
>    { s4 g2 ~ g2 }
> all in a single Voice.  Now we start one tie at the start of the phrase,
> and one tie after the first quarter note while the first tie has not yet
> finished.
> You either want to write
>   \new Voice { \voiceTwo s4 ... }
> or
>   \new Voice \with \voiceTwo { s4 ... }
> (the last works only since issue 3547, version 2.17.27).
> --
> David Kastrup
Thank you David! After just replacing all \new Voice \voiceTwo to \new
Voice { \voiceTwo ... }, all such notehead stem rest problems are
gone, including the tie error. The log file is now very clean, only
unimportant midi programming errors are there.


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