Greetings -

(This is the second time - my original .png was too large.)

I'm running LilyPond 18.2 under Win7.

I'm attaching 3 files:
1)   :   LilyPond source file with no tweaks
2) NoteMergeAndAccidentals.pdf   :  a PDF of
3)NoteMergeAndAccidentalsOriginal.png   :   what I'm trying to replicate.

I'm having problems with some music in two vioces. I can "un-merge" the
first two notes in the accompanying .ly file, but I can't seem to un-merge
the accidentals. I'm also unable to get separate the a-flat and a-natural
and get their accidentals next to the notes.

I would appreciate any help with these issues.

Thanks for your time and attention,


Ralph Palmer
Brattleboro, VT
\version "2.18.2"

%%% Problem both with merging noteheads AND with accidentals 

\language "english" 

\relative c' {         
\clef treble
\key bf \major
\time 2/4
  e'8. r16 a,!8. r16 |
   \new Voice
  ef'!8. r16 af,8 gf16 r |

Attachment: NoteMergeAndAccidentals.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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