Am 25.07.2015 um 10:36 schrieb David Kastrup:
> Beda Szukics <> writes:
>> Thank you. That helped. If I use
>> lilypond-book --pdf --latex-program=lualatex Versuch.lytex
>> the margins are respected. I still have about 3 mm at the left margin.
>> (textwidth is 114 mm, the lines of the Tescht part are 110 mm)
> Maybe related to the indent and/or short-indent layout settings in the
> LilyPond file?


I'm not very far in learning lilypond. Where would I change these
settings in my minimal example:

\version "2.18.0"
\header {
\relative c''{
   \key g\major \time 4/4
   g4 g g g | a a a a |
   g g g g | a a a a|
   g g g g | a a a a \bar "|."
\addlyrics {
  La la la la lu lu lu lu
  le le le le li li li li
  lo lo lo lo lä lä lä lä


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