Hi there!

I'm setting a Baroque mass. All movements are in separate \score
blocks. Everything has been already done 'locally', but now I want to
prepare a single big pdf out of the thing and this is where problems
start. You see, I want the first movement, and the first movement
only, to be set with one system per page. This I achieve by setting
systems-per-page=1 in the \paper block. But other movements need not
have this feature. Unfortunately, systems-per-page cannot be set in a
\layout block, and my file so far has only the single \paper block at
the beginning. Alright! It seemed to me that the way to go was to put
the first movement in a \bookpart block with its own
\paper{systems-per-page = 1} block. Now the systems formatting works
across the whole file as intended, but titling doesn't! Here's a
summary of what I'd like to achieve:

- each movement after the 2nd should follow the previous movement on
the same page in which the previous one ended (so the movements cannot
be all in their separate \bookpart blocks, since those end with a
- there should be one title of the whole mass at the beginning of the
score, and only there;
- each movement should have its own title.

So the first page should contain the title of the mass followed by the
title of the first movement.

I cannot find any combination of blocks and header settings which
would achieve this feature, and I got some results which where
surprising to me. For example, if the structure is like this:


then the 'x' is not displayed anywhere, and 'y' is displayed as the
title right at the beginning of the file!

Could anyone give me a hint on how to achieve what I want? [Is there
really no way to modify systems-per-page between \score blocks?]

Best regards,

Leszek Wronski

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