Is there a useful way to get closer association of a staff and a dynamics 
context in the following snippet?

\version "2.19.23"

musicA = \relative c'' {    \repeat unfold 24 c4     \break     \repeat unfold 
24 d4}
dynamicsA = {    s1 s\p s s\f s s         s1\p s\mp s\mf s\f s\ff s\fff}
musicB = \relative c'' {    \repeat unfold 24 b4    \break    \repeat unfold 24 
dynamicsB = {    s1 s^"espress." s s s\startTextSpan s\stopTextSpan    s1 s s s 
s s}

\score {
    \new StaffGroup <<
        \new Staff \musicA
        \new Dynamics \dynamicsA
        \new Dynamics \dynamicsB
        \new Staff \musicB

The problem is in the 2nd staff where dynamicsB has no “content”.  This results 
in the spacing engine positioning dynamicsA (almost) exactly in the middle of 
the two staves.  I would prefer that even in the 2nd system dynamicsA should be 
a lot closer to the upper staff.  Basically, I would like the 2nd system to be 
treated as if dynamicsB actually had some invisible content, forcing spacing 
like in the 1st system.
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