Robin Bannister <> writes:

>  Dominic wrote:
>> At the moment I have to laboriously override the Stem.length-fraction on an
>> individual basis, depending on how many slashes there are, which is not
>> ideal.
>> Any ideas?
> I had this problem recently and worked around it with
> hoist = % for moving StemTremolo beams further from notehead
> {
>   \once \override Stem.length =
>   #(lambda (grob) (+ 1 (ly:stem::calc-length grob)))
> }
> Comment indicates I had reservations about 'unpure only'.
> Someone else might be able to explain that.

Well, most such reservations should be addressable by putting a
container around, in this case

hoist = % for moving StemTremolo beams further from notehead
  \once \override Stem.length =
     (lambda (grob) (+ 1 (ly:stem::calc-length grob))))

David Kastrup

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