Hello Ponderers,

My score has many places where a beamed set of grace notes start precisely on a 
note in a voice, and consequently overlap the first starting note. This is 
fine, and what the composer specifically intends (common notation in the New 
Complexity School). The attached image shows a snippet of a typical scenario.

In my example, I can’t get the start of the grace to sit on top of the note in 
the other voice. Indeed, lilypond is being very excellent about avoiding a 
collision, but I want to persuade it to align. I can achieve this with normal 
notes, but not with grace notes. Is this even remotely possible?

\version "2.19.25"

treble = {
  \clef treble
  \time 1/4

bass = {
  \clef bass
  \time 1/4

      cis,,16. b,,8 d,32
    \new Voice
      s16. s8 s32
      \grace {
        \bar ""
        \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #-1 % no effect
        \change Staff = "treble"
        \bar "|"
      } |

\score {
  \new PianoStaff
    \new Staff = "treble" { \treble }
    \new Staff = "bass" { \bass }

  \layout { }


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