Hi Barry,

 thanks for the answer. I might have been unclear:

In a chamber music piece I'm writing, the first line of the score is
(and should be) indented.

While working on the score I want to typeset just the last part of the
score and use

Score.skipTypesetting = ##f

in the beginning and set

Score.skipTypesetting = ##t

in some later part, e.g. after a \pageBreak.

lilypond renders this partial score with the first line indented which
is suboptimal as the beginning of this page will *not* get indented in
the final (non partial) score.

I was just proposing to fix that in case it's not very
complicated. But as this is not a bug and I can circumvent this easily
by setting the indentation to #0 when rendering partial scores I don't
really want to start a bikeshed...


Am Donnerstag, den 13. August 2015 um 13:57:44 Uhr (+0100) schrieb Kevin Barry:
> Hi Orm,
> On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 3:13 PM, Orm Finnendahl
> <orm.finnend...@selma.hfmdk-frankfurt.de> wrote:
> > As the instrument names are short, lilypond must know that it isn't at
> > the beginning of the piece. It would be preferrable to have unindented
> > first staffs, as that would better resemble the final layout, if the
> > typesetting (re)starts at linebreaks.
> LilyPond won't really try to guess something like this based on
> instrument names. If you start a new \score block LilyPond will create
> a new score, indented, at bar 1 etc., which is as it should be IMO
> (i.e. it behaves consistently rather than trying to guess your
> intentions). Multi-movement forms (suites, sonatas) frequently do this
> (start a new indented score on the same page). Sometimes it can be a
> good solution to use a new \score block in place of a line break in an
> existing score, in which case the best thing to do would be to
> continue as you are. If you post a snippet illustrating the problem
> then perhaps someone could suggest an alternative that you haven't
> thought of.
> hth,
> Kevin
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