2015-08-12 12:28 GMT+02:00 Andrew Bernard <andrew.bern...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Harm,
> User specification of input only guessed at by me. :-)
> Of course, for negative and positive input (e.g. -3/2):
> (define (mixed-num x)
>         (let* ((n (numerator x))
>                 (d (denominator x)))
>         (cons (truncate (/ n d)) (abs (/ (remainder n d) d)))))
> But are you saying you also need the function to take any number as input, 
> not just a known fraction? Do you really want something like the rationalize 
> function ? The common mathematical term for 3 1/2 is mixed number, or mixed 
> fraction, by the way.
> Andrew
> On 12/08/2015 09:09, "Thomas Morley" 
> <lilypond-user-bounces+andrew.bernard=gmail....@gnu.org on behalf of 
> thomasmorle...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>`mixed-num' can't deal with negative input right now, returning wrong
>>(could be fixed ofcourse).
>>In case the input is not exact `mixed-num' crashes, whereas
>>`integer-and-fraction' doesn't, although returning not a fraction.

Hi Andrew,

converting 3/2 -> 1½ is ofcourse a helper-function for some larger project.
Because I'm not entirely sure the input will always positive and
exact, I tested what happens.
I'll add that exact?-condition (already mentioned) and/or I'll make
sure the input will always be exact.

Thanks again for your input, it's highly appreciated!


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