Hi Stephen,

 thanks for the help! Using your idea I ended up with this:

Cue = #(define-music-function (parser location note shift) (ly:music? number?)
        \override Stem.transparent = ##t
        \override ParenthesesItem.padding = #0.2
        \override ParenthesesItem.font-size = #1
        \teeny \parenthesize \tweak X-offset $shift $note

  << { < c' >4 } \\
    { \Cue c''' # 0.5 } >>

(it's a little different from your code, as in your example the length
of the ledger lines aren't resized).

I'd still prefer something which would't need an explicit new voice
context, more something along the lines of a pitchedTrill, but that
probably needs a deeper understanding of lilyponds internals on my


Am Freitag, den 14. August 2015 um 15:37:02 Uhr (-0400) schrieb Stephen MacNeil:
> How about
> \version "2.18.2"
> Pitch = #(define-music-function (parser location notes) (ly:music?)
> #{
> \override Stem.transparent = ##t
> \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #-.05
> \override NoteHead.stencil = #(lambda (grob)
> (grob-interpret-markup grob
> #{ \markup
> \concat
> {
> \lower #.5
> "("
> \musicglyph #"noteheads.s2"
> \lower #.5
> ")"}
> #}))
> \teeny
> $notes
> #})
> harmOn = { \override Voice.NoteHead.style = #'harmonic-black }
> harmOff = { \override Voice.NoteHead.style = #'default }
> {
> <<
> {
> %regular notes
> a'1 \harmonic ^\markup { "sul D" }
> \harmOn
> b'4 c' d' e'
> }\\
> {
> %harmonic notes
> \Pitch a''1 b''4 c'' d'' e''
> }
> >>
> }
> Stephen

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