The closest I've been able to get so far is to instantiate the
TabStaff and the RhythmicStaff inside the ChordNames in parallel with
the chords I want to make. I still don't get the TabStaff and the
RhythmicStaff on the same line, but if I insert a \break (commented
out below) in between them, then they appear to be in the same place.
Is there a better solution?

\version "2.19.25"
\new ChordNames {
  << \chordmode { c1 }
     \new TabStaff \relative c {
       c4 e g c
  >> %\break
  << \chordmode { c1 }
     \new RhythmicStaff {
       c4 c8 c~ c c c

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