2015-09-02 20:17 GMT+02:00 tisimst <tisimst.lilyp...@gmail.com>:
> David,
> On 8/31/2015 5:55 AM, David Stephen Grant [via Lilypond] wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm using Abraham's Profondo font, but having some trouble with
> TupletBrackets.
> I would like to indicate the duration of some feathered beamed groups
with a
> TupletBracket showing the total duration. The following simplified code
> works fine with the default font, but the symbol in the first bracket
> doesn't print when I switch to Profondo. I also get the error: warning:
> Found infinity or nan in output. Substituting 0.0
> \version "2.19.25"
> \include "profondo.ily"
> {
>   \override TupletBracket.padding = #1.5
>   \override TupletBracket.bracket-visibility = ##t
>   \once \override TupletNumber.text = \markup { \note #"4" #UP }
>   \tuplet 5/8 { a'16 a' a' a' a' }
>   \revert Staff.TupletNumber.font-name
>   \once \override TupletNumber.text = \markup { \note #"4" #UP }
>   \tuplet 5/8 { a'16 a' a' a' a' }
>   \override Staff.TupletNumber.font-name = #"ProfondoTupletNumbers"
>   \tuplet 5/8 { a'16 a' a' a' a' }
> }
> As most TupletBrackets should be using the Profondo tuplet number font I
> thought about reverting to the default for these brackets, but ideally I
> would prefer not to have to remember to turn Profondo back on afterwards
> in the above code.
> Any ideas?
> I've been thinking about this since you first sent it and it is starting
> drive me crazy! I've poured over the code that creates the \note stencil
> I can't find anything that would cause it to go crazy like this. The only
> font it even refers to is the music font, so I don't know why the \markup
> has a hard time with it. In the example you show (not sure if you are
> anything more complex in the actual score), the \markup doesn't use any
> from ProfondoTupletNumbers at all when it draws the \note, so I have to
> assume the error is caused by the \markup command itself, though I haven't
> been able to prove that yet.
> One way around this (at least to make it less of a typing hassle) is to
> remove the \override from the \layout block and instead encapsulate it in
> variables so you can use them on-the-fly, like this:
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%
> profondoTupletNumeralsOn = \override Staff.TupletNumber.font-name =
> #"ProfondoTupletNumbers"
> profondoTupletNumeralsOff = \revert Staff.TupletNumber.font-name
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%
> It's probably more than you want to do, but this might be the best thing
> do for the time being. Do you use the \note function in your tuplet
> a lot?
> Best,
> Abraham


I did some research on this topic, focusing on \note-by-number, which is
called in \note.

I've found that \note-by-number is _always_ disturbed, if _any_ font-name
is set. But \musicglyph not, for _every_ font-name-setting.

The difference seems to be that \musicglyph clears font-name, setting it to
\note-by-number does not.

Coding the same in \note-by-number seems to solve the issue. This needs
more testing, though, and _if_ it's the way to go, should be done in
\rest-by-number as well.


\version "2.19.26"

%% The following _always_ works
\markup {
  \typewriter #"\\musicglyph #\"noteheads.s0\""
  \musicglyph #"noteheads.s0"

\markup {
  \typewriter "\\note #\"8.\" #UP"
  \note #"8." #UP
  \typewriter #"\\note #\"1.\" #UP"
  \note #"1." #UP

%% The following _never_ works, regardless which font-name is specified.
  \override #'(font-name . "Times New Roman")
  \typewriter #"\\musicglyph #\"noteheads.s0\""
  \musicglyph #"noteheads.s0"

  \override #'(font-name . "Times New Roman")
  \typewriter "\\note #\"8.\" #UP"
  \note #"8." #UP
  \typewriter #"\\note #\"1.\" #UP"
  \note #"1." #UP
%%%% And the following bug can be observed (not related to the current
%%%% I think), was ok with 2.18.2:
\markup \override #'(font-name . "Times New Roman") "\\<==what?"

Replacing note-by-number in define-markup-commands.scm with the code below
seems to solve the issue (changes between the semicolon-lines) and the
reported problem with other fonts like profondo, etc
Please test.

(define-markup-command (note-by-number layout props log dot-count dir)
  (number? number? number?)
  #:category music
  #:properties ((font-size 0)
                (flag-style '())
                (style '()))
@cindex notes within text by log and dot-count

Construct a note symbol, with stem and flag.  By using fractional values for
@var{dir}, longer or shorter stems can be obtained.
Supports all note-head-styles.
Supported flag-styles are @code{default}, @code{old-straight-flag},
@code{modern-straight-flag} and @code{flat-flag}.

\\markup {
  \\note-by-number #3 #0 #DOWN
  \\hspace #2
  \\note-by-number #1 #2 #0.8
@end lilypond"
  (define (get-glyph-name-candidates dir log style)
    (map (lambda (dir-name)
           (format #f "noteheads.~a~a" dir-name
                   (if (and (symbol? style)
                            (not (equal? 'default style)))
                       (select-head-glyph style (min log 2))
                       (min log 2))))
         (list (if (= dir UP) "u" "d")

  (define (get-glyph-name font cands)
    (if (null? cands)
        (if (ly:stencil-empty? (ly:font-get-glyph font (car cands)))
            (get-glyph-name font (cdr cands))
            (car cands))))

  (define (buildflags flag-stencil remain curr-stencil spacing)
    ;; Function to recursively create a stencil with @code{remain} flags
    ;; from the single-flag stencil @code{curr-stencil}, which is already
    ;; translated to the position of the previous flag position.
    ;; Copy and paste from /scm/flag-styles.scm
    (if (> remain 0)
        (let* ((translated-stencil
                (ly:stencil-translate-axis curr-stencil spacing Y))
               (new-stencil (ly:stencil-add flag-stencil
          (buildflags new-stencil (- remain 1) translated-stencil spacing))

  (define (straight-flag-mrkp flag-thickness flag-spacing
                              upflag-angle upflag-length
                              downflag-angle downflag-length
    ;; Create a stencil for a straight flag.  @var{flag-thickness} and
    ;; @var{flag-spacing} are given in staff spaces, @var{upflag-angle} and
    ;; @var{downflag-angle} are given in degrees, and @var{upflag-length}
    ;; @var{downflag-length} are given in staff spaces.
    ;; All lengths are scaled according to the font size of the note.
    ;; From /scm/flag-styles.scm, modified to fit here.

    (let* ((stem-up (> dir 0))
           ;; scale with the note size
           (factor (magstep font-size))
           (stem-thickness (* factor 0.1))
           (line-thickness (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'line-thickness))
           (half-stem-thickness (/ (* stem-thickness line-thickness) 2))
           (raw-length (if stem-up upflag-length downflag-length))
           (angle (if stem-up upflag-angle downflag-angle))
           (flag-length (+ (* raw-length factor) half-stem-thickness))
           (flag-end (if (= angle 0)
                         (cons flag-length (* half-stem-thickness dir))
                         (polar->rectangular flag-length angle)))
           (thickness (* flag-thickness factor))
           (thickness-offset (cons 0 (* -1 thickness dir)))
           (spacing (* -1 flag-spacing factor dir))
           (start (cons (- half-stem-thickness) (* half-stem-thickness
           (points (list start
                         (offset-add flag-end thickness-offset)
                         (offset-add start thickness-offset)))
           (stencil (ly:round-filled-polygon points half-stem-thickness))
           ;; Log for 1/8 is 3, so we need to subtract 3
           (flag-stencil (buildflags stencil (- log 3) stencil spacing)))
  (let* (;(font (ly:paper-get-font layout (cons '((font-encoding .
         ;                                      props)))
         (font (ly:paper-get-font layout
                                  (cons '((font-encoding . fetaMusic)
                                          (font-name . #f))
         (size-factor (magstep font-size))
         (blot (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'blot-diameter))
          (let ((result (get-glyph-name font
                                         (sign dir) log style))))
            (if (string-null? result)
                ;; If no glyph name can be found, select default heads.
                ;; Though this usually means an unsupported style has been
                ;; chosen, it also prevents unrelated 'style settings from
                ;; other grobs (e.g., TextSpanner and TimeSignature) leaking
                ;; into markup.
                (get-glyph-name font
                                 (sign dir) log 'default))
         (head-glyph (ly:font-get-glyph font head-glyph-name))
         (ancient-flags? (or (eq? style 'mensural) (eq? style
         (attach-indices (ly:note-head::stem-attachment font
         (stem-length (* size-factor (max 3 (- log 1))))
         ;; With ancient-flags we want a tighter stem
         (stem-thickness (* size-factor (if ancient-flags? 0.1 0.13)))
         (stemy (* dir stem-length))
         (attach-off (cons (interval-index
                            (ly:stencil-extent head-glyph X)
                            (* (sign dir) (car attach-indices)))
                           ;; fixme, this is inconsistent between X & Y.
                           (* (sign dir)
                               (ly:stencil-extent head-glyph Y)
                               (cdr attach-indices)))))
         ;; For a tighter stem (with ancient-flags) the stem-width has to be
         ;; adjusted.
         (stem-X-corr (if ancient-flags? (* 0.5 dir stem-thickness) 0))
         (stem-glyph (and (> log 0)
                           (ordered-cons (+ stem-X-corr (car attach-off))
                                         (+ stem-X-corr (car attach-off)
                                            (* (- (sign dir))
                           (cons (min stemy (cdr attach-off))
                                 (max stemy (cdr attach-off)))
                           (/ stem-thickness 3))))
         (dot (ly:font-get-glyph font "dots.dot"))
         (dotwid (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent dot X)))
         (dots (and (> dot-count 0)
                    (apply ly:stencil-add
                           (map (lambda (x)
                                   dot (* 2 x dotwid) X))
                                (iota dot-count)))))
         ;; Straight-flags. Values taken from /scm/flag-style.scm
         (modern-straight-flag (straight-flag-mrkp 0.55 1 -18 1.1 22 1.2
         (old-straight-flag (straight-flag-mrkp 0.55 1 -45 1.2 45 1.4 dir))
         (flat-flag (straight-flag-mrkp 0.55 1.0 0 1.0 0 1.0 dir))
         ;; Calculate a corrective to avoid a gap between
         ;; straight-flags and the stem.
         (flag-style-Y-corr (if (or (eq? flag-style 'modern-straight-flag)
                                    (eq? flag-style 'old-straight-flag)
                                    (eq? flag-style 'flat-flag))
                                (/ blot 10 (* -1 dir))
         (flaggl (and (> log 2)
                       (cond ((eq? flag-style 'modern-straight-flag)
                             ((eq? flag-style 'old-straight-flag)
                             ((eq? flag-style 'flat-flag)
                              (ly:font-get-glyph font
                                                 (format #f
                                                       (if ancient-flags?

                                                         (if (> dir 0) "u"
                       (cons (+ (car attach-off)
                                ;; For tighter stems (with ancient-flags)
                                ;; flag has to be adjusted different.
                                (if (and (not ancient-flags?) (< dir 0))
                             (+ stemy flag-style-Y-corr))))))

    ;; If there is a flag on an upstem and the stem is short, move the dots
    ;; to avoid the flag.  16th notes get a special case because their flags
    ;; hang lower than any other flags.
    ;; Not with ancient flags or straight-flags.
    (if (and dots (> dir 0) (> log 2)
             (or (eq? flag-style 'default) (null? flag-style))
             (not ancient-flags?)
             (or (< dir 1.15) (and (= log 4) (< dir 1.3))))
        (set! dots (ly:stencil-translate-axis dots 0.5 X)))
    (if flaggl
        (set! stem-glyph (ly:stencil-add flaggl stem-glyph)))
    (if (ly:stencil? stem-glyph)
        (set! stem-glyph (ly:stencil-add stem-glyph head-glyph))
        (set! stem-glyph head-glyph))
    (if (ly:stencil? dots)
        (set! stem-glyph
                (+ (cdr (ly:stencil-extent head-glyph X)) dotwid)

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