PMA wrote:
Martin Tarenskeen wrote:
This thread makes me wonder: what's the average age of LilyPond users
and developers?
My average age is 75.

Better answer -- My age is 75. I've been using Lilypond for ca 5 years,
without an editor (other than VI), and entirely for original
My .ly files usually exist initially as output from the J prog. language.

A single movement may well have 2 final .ly files -- one optimized for
the score, the other optimized for MIDI output (in turn further edited
via Rosegarden).

P.S. I upload all results to IMSLP, upon copyright registration.

People have been so forthcoming on this thread, I feel like expanding
my entry background-wise a little.  I was a pianist in academia for
decades, focussed most especially on the late works of F. Busoni.
My commitment to composition came late -- along with an interest in
programming, as the ideas that caught my fancy begged hard for
algorithmic carrying-out.  I learned in order: BASIC, Forth (had a one-
year fling as a computer games geek), Pascal, C, and APL.  This last
hooked me, and I've toddled after it into J.

Re IMSLP, I'd recommend it to anybody not bent on fame & fortune
via publication.  IMSLP posts scores & audio, offers several levels of
Creative Commons copyright, and accomodates revisions.  Last I
heard, they were considering offering bound hardcopy output for a
modest fee upon request.  That was maybe a year ago, so I don't
know if it's come true.


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