Am 16.09.2015 um 05:02 schrieb Kieren MacMillan:
Have a look at this LSR snippet:

Yes! That one suffices — and is more elegant — if you don’t need “strange note 
values” (like dotted notes) in your denominator(s).

And if you do, you can change the function to make f. e. “2/4.” instead of 6/8 like this:

\version "2.19.27"

#(define-public (format-time-sig-note grob)
   (let* ((frac (ly:grob-property grob 'fraction))
          (num (if (pair? frac) (car frac) 4))
          (den (if (pair? frac) (cdr frac) 4))
           (if (and (< 3 num) (= 0 (modulo num 3)))
               (markup #:override '(baseline-skip . 0.5)
(#:concat (#:number (number->string (/ num 3)) #:hspace 0.8)
                   #:override '(style . default)
#:note (string-append (number->string (/ den 2)) ".") DOWN))
               (markup #:override '(baseline-skip . 0.5)
                 (#:number (number->string num)
                   #:override '(style . default)
                   #:note (number->string den) DOWN)))))
     (grob-interpret-markup grob m)))

\relative c' {
  \override Staff.TimeSignature.stencil = #format-time-sig-note
  \time 2/8
  \repeat unfold 2 c8
  \time 3/8
  \repeat unfold 3 c8
  \time 4/8
  \repeat unfold 4 c8
  \time 5/8
  \repeat unfold 5 c8
  \time 6/8
  \repeat unfold 6 c8
  \time 7/8
  \repeat unfold 7 c8
  \time 9/8
  \repeat unfold 9 c8
  \time 12/8
  \repeat unfold 12 c8
  \time 15/16
  \repeat unfold 15 c16
  \time 6/4
  \repeat unfold 6 c4
  \time 6/2
  \repeat unfold 6 c2

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