Blöchl Bernhard <> writes:

> I think the proper way for reaching your proposed Lilypond redesign is
> to pay a developer ...

Shrug.  Indirectly.  I'll be submitting a patch to our issue tracker
today, so this change of input syntax will likely appear in a week or
two in development versions.

But the amount of people supporting me regularly for working on LilyPond
has gone down significantly in the last two years so I am no longer able
to live from it.  As a consequence, it's quite likely that I'll try
finding a more regularly paying job within the next half year and stop
working on LilyPond altogether.

There are still a number of other developers active in their spare time,
so it's not like development will stop.  But response time for simple
changes will likely go up, response rate will go down, and there will be
less focus on long-term developments.

And it's not like a "pay-per-feature" scheme would be really tenable:
the last years I averaged about a commit per day corresponding to a
lower number of actual issues in the tracker.  Simple changes like this
one take less work.  Getting rid of long-standing and recurring
inconsistencies and problems takes a lot more work (removing the
interference of grace timing with context settings, good for about half
a dozen issues in the tracker and with very inscrutable results, getting
rid of timing inconsistencies in \lyricsto, making setting and reverting
of grob subproperties reliable) and there is no "money in it" at all
since it's mostly a variety of strange things one can work around in
some manner or other, so nobody is going to fork over cash for that
stuff in particular.

David Kastrup

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