Johannes Waldmann <> writes:

> Hi.
> The following snippet is interpreted
> differently by 2.18.* and 2.19.* :
> \score {
> <<
> \new Staff { \key a \minor \relative c'' {
>   a1   \new Voice { c2 d2 } e1
> }}
> \addlyrics  { foo bar }
> }
> notes are displayed identically,
> but lyrics placement is changed:
> with 2.18.2,  foo -> a1, bar -> e1,
> with 2.19.27, foo -> a1, bar -> c2.
> This breaks a bunch of my scores (so I don't like it).
> Is this a bug? Or a bug-fix?

If you put \addlyrics to a staff, how can you expect one voice in the
staff to be relevant for the lyrics and another not?  LilyPond did not
do anything sensible here.  Try

\score {
  \new Staff { \key a \minor
	       \relative c'' {
		 a1   \new Voice { c2 d2 } e1
	       \addlyrics { foo bar }
> What is the relevant section of documentation?

What is the relevant section of documentation that would have promised
your version to work?

David Kastrup
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