Thomas Morley <> writes:

> 2015-10-29 19:24 GMT+01:00 pls <>:
>> Hey all,
>> I would like to override some fingering information of predefined fret
>> diagrams.  The relevant information should be in the
>> /dot-placement-list/ of the fret-diagram-interface (see
>> But I couldn't find any example of an override of this information
>> neither in the Notation Reference nor in the Snippet Repository.
>> As a first step I tried to override the fingering of the fret diagram
>> for /c/ (  My goal was to change the
>> finger on the third fret of the fifth string from 3 to 4.  The following
>> override does not work.  Am I missing something?
>> \version "2.19.31"
>> \include ""
>> <<
>>   \new ChordNames \chordmode { c1 | } %1
>>   \new FretBoards \chordmode {
>>     % overrides
>>     %\override FretBoard.size = #'2.2
>>     %\override FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.finger-code = #'in-dot
>>     \once \override = #'(
>>       (place-fret 5 3 4)
>>     )
>>     % fretboards
>>     c1 |%1
>>   }
>>   \new Voice {
>>     c'1 |%1
>>   }
>> Thanks for any hint!
>> Patrick
> Hi Patrick,
> if you use "" the documented method is
> to insert a new entry in it via `storePredefinedDiagram'
> Also possible is to use the `dot-placement-list'-property, with the
> need to set it before-line-breaking.
> Below examples for both:
> \version "2.19.29"
> \include ""
> \storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table
>                         \chordmode { c'' }
>                         #guitar-tuning
>                         #'((place-fret 5 3 4))
> <<
>   \new ChordNames \chordmode { c1 c c'' }
>   \new FretBoards \chordmode {
>     \once \override FretBoards.FretBoard.before-line-breaking =
>       #(lambda (grob)
>          ;(newline)
>          ;(display-scheme-music (ly:grob-property grob 'dot-placement-list))
>          (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'dot-placement-list
>                                      '((place-fret 5 3 4)))
>          )
>     c1 c c''
>   }
>   \new Voice {
>     \textLengthOn
>     c'1_"override"
>     c'_"predefined default"
>     c'_"predefined extended"
>   }
> HTH,
>   Harm

Thanks, Harm!

In my example I actually just wanted to override the fingering on the
5th string and not change the fret numbers and finger numbers on the
other strings of the predefined chord "c" in I thought that it was possible because
so many other details can be overridden. 

My use case: I have created a huge library of predefined fret
diagrams (
and I would love to be able to e.g. display those diagrams with chord steps, 
note names or even
solfege pitchnames *instead* of finger numbers without actually having to define
them completely from scratch.

Am I right that I basically would have to redefine all those fret diagrams and 
there is no way to
"tweak" only the finger numbers of a diagram that has already been


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