Am 10.11.2015 um 00:56 schrieb Kieren MacMillan:
> Hi Graham,
>> I've just realised that, under my system as I described it, a part could 
>> have the same bar number twice.
> My proposed solution would be an “analytic continuation” (to borrow a 
> mathematical term) of the non-polymetric measure numbering scheme:
> 1. A “reference context” would be established (in the case of “The Country 
> Wife", the PianoStaff), and the base measure numbers would be generated in 
> that context;
> 2. All other contexts would use the base-context measure number when and only 
> when the barlines align; otherwise, each context would use (e.g.) 38A, 38B, … 
> to indicate measures which begin within the moment encompassed by the 
> reference measure.
> I think such a system would be >95% sufficient.
> Thoughts?

This sounds pretty reasonable (from a notational as well as from a
rehearsal POV).
At least I would find that appropriate for polymetric contemporary
music, but I have no idea if it is also appropriate for ancient music.

Aren't there any useful references, how have others dealt with that


> Thanks,
> Kieren.
> ________________________________
> Kieren MacMillan, composer
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